Our team is interested in many aspects of Biological and Synthetic Active Matter, Complex Fluids, and Multiphase Flows.Below is a collection of recent work.Also, see PUBLICATIONS. Billiards with Memeory T Albers, S Delnoi, N Schramma, M JalaalPhysical Review Letters 2024 Chloroplast Morphodynamics N Schramma, G Casas Canales, M JalaalPNAS 2024 Glassy Dynamics of chloroplasts N Schramma, CP Israëls, M Jalaal PNAS 2023 Cyanobacteria under flow Y Sinzato, R Uittenbogaard, P Visser, J Huisman, M JalaalarXiv Physics of Bioluminescence M Jalaal, N Schramma, A Dode, H De Maleprade, C Raufaste, R Goldstein, Physical Review Letters 125 (2), 028102 Elasto-Plastocapillarity H Franca, M Jalaal, C OishiPhysical Review Research 2024 Active Cheerios J Wilt, N Schramma, JW Bottermans, M JalaalarXiv Physics of Trichomes J Popowski, L Warma, AA Cifuentes, P Bleeker, M JalaalarXiv Viscoplastic Spreading M Jalaal, B Stoeber, N Balmforth, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 914, A21 Viscoplastic Bursting V Sanjay, D Lohse, M. Jalaal, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 922, A2AG Balasubramanian et al., Journal of Fluid Mechanics 1001, A9 Bioluminescent Gels Ci Li, N Schramma, Z Wang, NF Qari, M Jalaal, MI Latz, S CaiScience Advances 2023 Complex Fluids in Space O D’Angelo, F Kuthe, K van Nieuwland , CE Janssen, T Voigtmann, M Jalaal, Review of Scientific Instruments 2022 Active Droplets B Vajdi Hokmabad, R Dey, M Jalaal, K Baldwin, D Lohse, C Maass, Physical Review X 11 (1), 011043also new on arXive: Remesh et al. Drop Solidification & OCT M Jalaal, C Seyfert, B Stoeber, NJ Balmforth, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 837, 115 Active Particles M Jalaal, B ten Hagen, H le The, C Diddens, D Lohse, A Marin, Physical Review Fluids 2022 Viscoplastic Water Entry M Jalaal, D Kemper, D Lohse, Journal of fluid mechanics 864, 596-613 Controlled Droplet Impact M Jalaal, B Stoeber, Soft Matter 10 (6), 808-812 Thermo-responsive Polymers M Jalaal, G Cottrell, N Balmforth, B Stoeber, Journal of Rheology 61 (1), 139-146 Laser-Induced Forward Transfer M Jalaal, MK Schaarsberg, CW Visser, D Lohse, Journal of fluid mechanics 880, 497-513 Undulating Thin Films M Jalaal, C Seyfert, JH Snoeijer, Journal of fluid mechanics 880, 430-440 Shock Waves & Bubbles M Jalaal, S Li, M Klein Schaarsberg, Y Qin, D Lohse, Applied physics letters 114 (21), 213703 Bubbles in Yield Stress Materials M Jalaal, NJ Balmforth, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 238, 100-106 Crown Formation Y Saade, M Jalaal, A Prosperetti, D Lohse, Journal of fluid mechanics 926, A5 Instabilities on a Drop M Jalaal, K Mehravaran, Physics of Fluids 26 (1), 012101 Entangling Particles DP Huet, M Jalaal, R v Beek, D vd Meer, A Wachs, Physical Review Fluids, 6, 104304 Fragmentation M Jalaal, K Mehravaran, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 47, 115-132 Immiscible Impact U Jain, M Jalaal, D Lohse, D Van Der Meer, Soft matter 15 (23), 4629-4638 Slippery Droplets M Jalaal, NJ Balmforth, B. Stoeber, Langmuir 31 (44) 12071–12075 Laser-Metal Interaction H Mustafa, M Jalaal, W Ya, NU Rahman, DTA Matthews, G Romer, Journal of laser micro nanoengineering 13 (3), 178-188 OpenCM for Cell Manipulation N Schramma, S Hoenn, K Leptos, M Jalaal, see the openplant blog post here. Mixing with no Mechanical Part M Jalaal, B Khorshidi, E Esmaeilzadeh, Chemical engineering journal 219, 118-123B Khorshidi, M Jalaal, E Esmaeilzadeh, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 380 (1-3), 207-212 Drops & Bubble Manipulation with Electric Field M Jalaal, B Khorshidi, E Esmaeilzadeh, Experimental thermal and fluid science 34 (8), 1498-1506M Jalaal, B Khorshidi, E Esmaeilzadeh, F Mohammadi, Chemical Engineering Communications 198 (1), 19-32B Khorshidi, M Jalaal, E Esmaeilzadeh, F Mohammadi, Journal of colloid and interface science 352 (1), 211-220