Open Positions

Please contact Mazi, if you want to discuss possible Ph.D., Postdoc, and also fellowship opportunities, e.g., Marie Skłodowska-Curie.


Postdoc Position(s)

We currently have three Postdoc openings:
A. Theory and /or Experiment on biological or synthetic Active Matter
B. Experimental Rheology and Flow of Complex Fluids & Active Matter
C. Computational Rheology and Flow of Complex Fluids & Active Matter
If you are interested, please email Mazi with your CV attached.


PhD Position(s)

Interested in interdisciplinary science at the boundary of physics and biology or complex fluids and active matter and want to do an experimental (and/or) theoretical PhD?

write an email to Mazi with your CV attached!


B.Sc. and M.Sc. Position(s)

We are actively looking for enthusiastic Master and Bachelor students and interns to join our group! contact us!