A Workshop on
Non-Reciprocity Across Scales
Amsterdam 20-21 May
We are organizing an exciting 2-day workshop titled Non-reciprocity Across Scales, to be held at the University of Amsterdam's Institute of Physics. This workshop will bring together leading researchers to explore the fascinating and rapidly developing field of non-reciprocal interactions (phenomena where the response does not mirror the applied action). Such interactions are crucial for understanding systems across a wide range of scales, from the quantum world to fluidic systems and even biological matter.
The workshop will be held at the beautiful Amsterdam Science Park and the newly renovated Nikhef Building.
Address: Nikhef, Science Park 105, 1098 XG Amsterdam
Google Map
Dates & Program
20-21 May 2025
Scientific program. The Program includes 10 Keynote Talks, 10 Contributed talks.
Social Programs The program will include the gala dinner.
A Preliminary Program Includes:
Tuesday 20.5.: Arrival at 9:30 - Talks - dinner
Wednesday 21.5.: Arrival at 9:30 - Talks - Departure at 17:00
List of Speakers
Nikta Fakhri [MIT]
Ewold Verhagen [AMOLF]
Suropriya Saha [MPI]
Nicolas Noiray [ETH]
Sarah Loos [Cambridge]
Michel Fruchart [ESPCI]
Lauren Zarzar [Pen State]
Ludovic Berthier [ESPCI]
Uros Delic [TU Wien]
Ray Goldstein [Cambridge - TBC]
Aashish Clerk [Chicago - TBC]
Abstract & Registration
Abstract submission (strict) deadline: submit your abstracts via this Google Form by May 1st, 2025
Registrations will open later, around mid-February.
Contact us
Corentin Coulais [University of Amsterdam — coulais@uva.nl]
Jack Binysh [University of Amsterdam — j.a.c.binysh@uva.nl]
Mazi Jalaal [University of Amsterdam — m.jalaal@uva.nl ]
Isabelle Eisenmann [University of Amsterdam — i.eisenmann@uva.nl ]