Fluid Physics of Ocean Cleanup
Your Research
Helping with the fabrication of a new experimental setup at UvA’s science park to study the motion of a 3D printed particle and flow around it. The project sits at the boundary of advanced optical imaging, fluid mechanics, and environmental physics. For the experiments, you will develop a particle image velocimetry setup and also a 3D particle tracking system. For the theory, you will work with an open-source code to solve the Navier Stokes Equations around a sedimenting particle with complex geometry.
Research Question:
Where do plastics go when they enter the river and ocean?
How does the shape of a particle change its transportation in water.
Methods involved
Experiments: High-speed Imaging, Particle Image Velocimetry, 3D Particle Tracking, Image Processing, 3D Printing, (a bit of) Machine learning
Theory: Finite Volume Methods for Multiphase Flows
Will et al. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 2021 912: A16.
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