Workshop on Bubbles in Complex Media and Confinements  

Monte Verità, 18-21 June 2025

The workshop aims to unite researchers from diverse fields, including geophysics, hydrodynamic cavitation, medical acoustics, rheology, fluid mechanics, and solid mechanics, to foster interdisciplinary collaboration on bubble dynamics in complex and confined media. Key objectives include facilitating the exchange of methodologies and research outcomes, identifying new computational and experimental techniques, establishing new collaborations, and evaluating emergent challenges and strategies for future research. Expert-chaired sessions and collective discussions will help bridge gaps between disciplines and develop innovative solutions to complex scientific problems.


The CSF is the meeting platform of the ETH Zürich on Monte Verità. It is named after the Federal Councillor Stefano Franscini, a native of Ticino, who in 1854, played an important part in establishing the first Federal Institute of Technology in Switzerland, the ETH Zürich.

Dates & Program

18-21 June 2025

Scientific program. The Program includes 6 Keynote Talks, 25 Invited talks, and 5 early career talks.

Additional contributing talks and posters are welcome, but availability is limited due to space constraints.

Social Programs The program will include the welcome drink, the gala dinner, and an afternoon hike!

A Preliminary Program Includes:

  • Wednesday 18.6.: Arrival at lunch time, afternoon science

  • Thursday 19.6.: Science all day, Workshop dinner at the restaurant

  • Friday 20.6.: Science all day

  • Saturday 21.6.: Science in the morning until lunch, followed by an optional hike

Abstract & Registration

Abstract submission (strict) deadline: submit your abstracts via this Google Form by February 15th, 2025

Registrations and Bookings will all be via Monte Verità Centre Platform. Please see the instructions HERE

[Registration fee is 100 CHF for invited and 350 CHF for contributing participants - This also covers the cost of all meals and the workshop dinner and events.

More information about the room types and the location can be found HERE [shuttle service will be organized from Locarno train station to Monte Verita]

Contact us

Outi Supponen [ETH Zürich —]

Mazi Jalaal [University of Amsterdam —]